
Congratulations on your decision to bring a new puppy into your home! As a new puppy owner, one of the first things you'll need to do is stock up on supplies to ensure your furry friend is comfortable and well-cared for. Here are some popular puppy supplies that you may want to consider.

1. Food and Water Bowls: Your puppy will need a set of food and water bowls. Choose bowls that are the right size for your puppy and that are easy to clean.

2. Puppy Food: It's important to choose a high-quality puppy food that meets your pup's nutritional needs. Look for puppy food that is specifically formulated for your puppy's breed and size.

3. Collar, Harness and Leash: A collar and leash are essential for taking your puppy on walks and keeping them safe. Choose a collar that fits well and is adjustable as your puppy grows and a harness that is supportive of their chest and shoulders - we recommend an 'XY' fitted one\

4. Crate or Carrier: A crate or carrier can be a safe and comfortable space for your puppy to sleep or travel in. Look for a crate that is the right size for your puppy and has plenty of ventilation.

5. Bedding: A soft and comfortable bed is important for your puppy's rest and relaxation. Choose a bed that is the right size for your puppy and is easy to clean.

6. Toys: Puppies love to play, and toys are a great way to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated. Choose toys that are appropriate for your puppy's age and size, and that are safe for them to chew on.

7. Cleaning Supplies: Puppies are known for making messes, so it's important to have cleaning supplies on hand. Invest in a good quality pet stain and odour remover, as well as cleaning cloths and paper towels.

By having these essential puppy supplies, you'll be able to provide your new furry friend with the care and attention they need to thrive in their new home. Don't forget to do your research and choose high-quality products that are safe for your puppy to use.

Puppy Behaviour - 

Puppies are adorable, but their behaviour can sometimes be challenging for new owners. Understanding puppy behaviour is crucial for addressing issues such as biting, chewing, and barking. So, let's dive into some common puppy behaviours and how to handle them.

One of the most common behaviours that puppies exhibit is biting. Puppies explore the world with their mouths, so it's natural for them to want to chew on things, including their owners. However, biting can be painful and even dangerous if not addressed early on. One way to handle this behaviour is by redirecting their attention to a toy or bone that they are allowed to chew on. Another method is to stop play all together if they bite too hard. This will teach the puppy that biting is not acceptable behaviour.

Another common behaviour is chewing. Puppies often chew on things to relieve the discomfort of teething. To prevent destructive chewing, it is essential to provide plenty of appropriate chew toys and bones for the puppy to chew on. Supervision is also key, as it allows owners to redirect the puppy's attention away from things they should not chew on. Crate training and giving them a safe place to play in where they can chew on their toys is a great way of managing the teething period.

Barking is another behaviour that puppies exhibit, and it can be a sign of different things, such as boredom, fear, or excitement. It is important to identify the reason behind the barking before addressing it. For example, if the puppy is barking due to boredom, providing more toys and exercise can help reduce the behaviour. If the puppy is barking out of fear or anxiety, it may require professional help from a trainer or behaviourist.

Overall, understanding puppy behaviour is essential for new owners to have a positive experience with their furry friend. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key when dealing with puppy behaviour. With time and training, puppies can learn appropriate behaviour and become well-behaved adult dogs.

The Importance of Puppy Social Interaction: Nurturing Healthy Development

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting time filled with cuddles, playtime, and the promise of a lifelong bond. As puppy parents, it's our responsibility to provide our furry companions with everything they need to grow into happy, well-adjusted adult dogs. One of the most crucial elements of puppy care is social interaction.

What is Puppy Social Interaction?

Puppy social interaction refers to the opportunities for puppies to engage with other dogs, humans, and their environment in a positive and enriching way. During the critical socialisation period, which typically occurs between the ages of 3 weeks to 16 weeks, puppies are most receptive to new experiences and are forming crucial social bonds that will shape their behaviour for the rest of their lives.

The Benefits of Social Interaction for Puppies

  • Behavioural Development: Social interaction plays a significant role in shaping a puppy's behaviour. Positive experiences with other dogs and humans during this critical period can help puppies develop confidence, reduce fearfulness, and prevent aggression.
  • Communication Skills: Interacting with other puppies teaches valuable communication skills, such as reading body language, understanding social cues, and practicing appropriate play behaviour.
  • Emotional Well-being: Social interaction provides puppies with mental stimulation, companionship, and a sense of belonging. It helps prevent loneliness and separation anxiety and promotes overall emotional well-being.
  • Building Resilience: Exposing puppies to a variety of environments, people, and animals helps build resilience and adaptability, making them better equipped to handle new experiences and challenges later in life.

How to Facilitate Positive Social Interaction for Your Puppy

  • Puppy Play Dates: Arrange play dates with other puppies of similar age and size in a safe and supervised environment. Pay attention to each puppy's body language and intervene if play becomes too rough or one puppy becomes overwhelmed.
  • Puppy Classes: Enrol your puppy in a puppy kindergarten or socialisation class led by a reputable trainer. These classes provide structured socialisation opportunities while also teaching basic obedience skills.
  • Exposure to Different Environments: Take your puppy on outings to different places such as parks, pet-friendly stores, and outdoor cafes. Expose them to various sights, sounds, and smells to help desensitise them to new experiences.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and toys to reward your puppy for calm and confident behaviour during social interactions. Avoid using punishment or force, as this can create fear and anxiety.
  • Gradual Exposure: Introduce your puppy to new people, animals, and environments gradually, starting with less overwhelming situations and gradually increasing the level of exposure as they become more comfortable.


Puppy social interaction is a critical component of early development that shapes a puppy's behaviour, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. By providing your puppy with plenty of opportunities for positive social experiences, you are laying the foundation for a happy, confident, and well-adjusted adult dog. So, embrace the joy of puppyhood and watch as your furry friend grows into a beloved companion with a wagging tail and a heart full of love.

We really recommend ‘The Perfect Puppy’ by Gwen Bailey and ‘Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy’ by Steve Mann as must reads when thinking about getting a young furry friend.

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